Oct 7, 2011

Chain Writing (To Be Continued)

 Nowadays, life is like a spinning wheel. I am like a puny little hamster frantically moving my feet, trying to catch up with the speed of the wheel. However, the energy also powers the wheel itself. The faster the hamster runs, the faster the hamster will have to run. Ironically, the hamster is still in the same place, no matter how much time has passed.
-Yoosun Sung
 The future seems to be far away as you're going round repeatedly to catch up the speed of fast-rolling wheel, you must hold your soul and pretend not to be hurt. Contradictionally, as much you pretend to be strong, the more pain you'll be dived into. The more pain you feel, the more you hide yourself. The time seems to crush down out of your reach. However, as you already know, the wheel keeps spinning.
-Jiyoung Lee
 Maybe that is why time is more precious than gold. How much progress one has made depends on him, but time passes uncontrollably. One might be trapped in his own trepidation about losing the race. Once the hamster loses ht eocurage to continue running, the whell stops. When the wheel stops, the hamster stops. Time is merely a means, a measure of how much one has gone foward. Time cannot crush one down, but the fear of time can.
-Jonghyun Han
 It sounds very philosophical and far away from us, talking about spinning wheels. but it all comes down to our lives right now, the life in KMLA. It seems like your in the same spot no matter what you do. Somedays, you feel too tired to catch up with the spinning wheel that, from some point of my life, started to spin on without my will wanting, and begging to stop, but being unable to, is what dominates my mind nowadays.
-Woochan Hwang


  1. Wow - this is great. The analogy is strong, unique, and the other writers kept it going because it started off so well. Your quirky writing style works well with this theme. How to treat this? I think, possibly, it's a speech being delivered to the school by a very unique student. How does the crowd respond?

  2. I personally liked this piece even as I was writing the last part of it in class. So if you don't mind I'll use this one for the metafiction assignment:) Nice beginning!!
