Nov 8, 2011

Three Words Are All You Need

Describing Myself

     I had a pet chick in elementary. Whenever I looked into its yellow fur, I saw my reflection. The chick peeped continuously, always ran around the house having adventures, and flapped wings when trapped in a box. I felt the similarities of such characteristics within me. Yellow fur reminds me of a fresh banana. A fresh banana has a white, delicious flesh inside, covered with a bright, yellow peel outside. Many people say I have an extroverted mind, bud I also have some shyness inside. The banana has the softness of a cotton candy. I want to become a sweet and comfortable person to others.


  1. The softness of cotton candy wrapped up in yellow tinge! That's fair enough! ^^

  2. Every time I eat a banana I marvel at the fact that this beautiful fruit came all the way from the Philippines. Wow!
