Dec 9, 2011

A Step Into Advertising

        On every April, there is an official Day of Science in most Korean schools. My middle school was no exception and we had the scientific festival every year. The point of the festival is to bloom your scientific creativity through different means. During my elementary years, I did the imaginary drawing and earned few prizes. But, as they grades went by, I did not practice my water coloring skills and lost interest in watercolor paintings. So, what I set my eyes on was science related advertisements.
         Actually, I chose to do the advertisement at that day of the festival, so I did not have a current idea. I decided to just create an advertisement with whatever popped first into my mind: electric-powered magnetic levitation car. I sketched the overall appearance of the advertisement straight out from my imagination. The description said that the floor of the car is made out of superconductor with wheels replaced with pipes that shoot ions. The freely moving ions will spread out through the superconductor creating magnetic flows that will levitate the car body. I tried to make the description believable as much. Then, I cut out my transparent plastic covering, aluminum foil, and sponge for brushes. The cut-out parts were pasted to the advertisement to act as a "see-for-yourself" sample. In my advertisement, they became newly engineered materials: tempered polymer glass for window panes, high density polymerized titanium for the car body. The product of my creativity earned me a second place.


  1. how come I don't remember having a Science Day at school? ㅠㅠㅠㅠ our middle school sucks alright ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

    by the way there is a pineapple but no pinebanana. sure. but you know, there is a PINE TREE!!! heehee one of my dogdrips sorry ㅋㅋㅋ

  2. What assignment is this? in any case, it is a good bit of extra writing and I like your idea. I hope that kind of car does materialize someday (maybe they will wait until all the oil is gone).
