Nov 21, 2012

10 Fictions Flashing


1. [Facebook Chat]
"Hey :)"
Seen 12:48 PM
Right now, 4:30 PM
2. Dated. Kissed. Looked at the clock.
6:30. Great. Late for morning exercise.
3. The car skidded on the icy road and crashed into a snowy tree. The driver climbed out of the car seeking for help. There were no footprints left behind.
4. Oh great, a blackout. Maybe I'll take a nap for 10 minutes and wak...
5. 'I think I forgot something.'
"Please hand in your essays."
6. It was Christmas eve, and the girl was worried that her Santa might not come. Crying, she went in to her parent's room and found her present.
7. MMrr..  GGaarrrriioocchh,, II  wwaassnn''tt  aabbllee  ttoo  wwrriittee  mmyy  eessssaayy  bbeeccaauussee  tthhee  kkeeyybbooaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
8. "Dentist: Discounts on Halloween"
9. Too much solar eclipse, forever eclipse.
10. A boy crafted his lost dog out of clay and blew on it.
"I want to do the same thing as God did."


  1. Oops #3 is quite scary. I loooove #4 (and actually this is what I have done last night... haha...) #7, a really cute idea. Great sentences overall! : )

    1. Thank you :)
      I'm looking foward to seeing your flash fictions, which I will do soon ㅋㅋ

  2. 3 reminds me of the movie Fargo. (If you have not seen it - DO).
    2 - I should show that to the Haksang Boo.
    7 - brilliant!

    All of them cover a nice variety. Good stuff.

    1. I will watch "Fargo" when I got time! :)

      Actually, number 2 was more of a "Aw shoot, a dream" thing! The person had a girl friend (in his dreams), but woke up and found out he was late for excercise :(
